Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Treating Enlarged Prostate
From anatomical point of view, the prostate is located just bellow the bladder, and is an integral part of the male reproductive system. Statistics show us that over 80% of men over 40 years experience problems with the prostate, and with urination because of the enlarged prostate. The pressure of the enlarged prostate on the urethra creates some problems such increasing the fervency of urination, the urgent need to urinate, difficulty in starting to urinate, the need to urinate in the night, reduced force of the urine stream, dribbling, the incapability to empty the bladder, and in the final inability to urinate. Shrinking the enlarged prostate can be done through different treatments.
Treatments for shrinking enlarged prostate can be urgent care, self care, drug therapy, surgery, exercises and natural methods. The urgent care is for the patients, who can't urinate at all, caused by cold temperature, period of immobility extended, overdose of alcohol, and it's done in the emergency room through catheterizing or through decongestants drugs; self care is the best, if you are presenting enlarged prostate you should avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, eating spicy food; drug therapy made under the guidance of the doctor; surgery is made when the drug therapy doesn't work or it's too late for it; exercises such as Kegel exercises for improving the blood circulation; natural methods are composed by natural herbs and minerals, like palmetto, large dozes of zinc, natural healing foods in the patient's diet. But in most cases are not necessary treatments, often called "watchful waiting, used in compliant symptoms. From all these treatments, some of them are better.
But from time to time you should go to doctor for medical exams. If the medication doesn't work, the viable option is surgery.
Labels: cancer, HormoneTreatmentFor, Information, Institute, O, Prostate, Research
Monday, May 28, 2007
The Stages Of Alzheimers Explained
Alzheimers is a progressive disease that can take up to a complete two decades to fully run its course. The disease moves forward at its own pace, leaving devastation in its path. With an estimated five million Americans diagnoses with this condition, there is little doubt the condition has impacted a tremendous number of people. How fast or slow the condition will progress is never known, but there are marked stages of Alzheimers.
The stages of Alzheimers number at seven, although they are often clumped into three - early, middle and end. Each one of the seven comes in its own time with no two patients following exactly the same path. There are some stereotypical markers for each of the stages of Alzheimers, however.
The stages of Alzheimers and their symptoms are:
Stage 1 - There are no visible symptoms during the earliest formation of Alzheimers.
Stage 2 - This stage will present with very minor memory issues, but these problems are quite easily brushed off to distraction, normal forgetfulness or other similar causes. The signs here can include such things as misplacing items, forgetting words that should be familiar and so on. The symptoms will not likely be noticeable to anyone since they are so easy to brush off.
Stage 3 - It is at this point some people are diagnosed. The symptoms here can include such things as forgetting names, misplacing objects, loss of ability to plan, poor performance at work or in social settings and even an inability to retain information or remember names.
Stage 4 - Diagnosis is often made during this stage, but not always. Some characterize this stages as mild Alzheimers. It is here that loss of personal history might begin along with an inability to handle challenging mental tasks.
Stage 5 - It is very difficult to deny that problems exist when this stage is reached. Also known as "moderate" Alzheimers, this stage delivers large memory gaps, difficulty with normal social functioning and even the inability to recall names of family, friends and perhaps even the patient's own name. Date and time confusion might also be present.
Stage 6 - This is considered an extension of the mid stage, however, the symptoms will become quite harsh at this point. Some patients will have trouble dressing and feeding themselves. It is very likely they will be unable to recall names and they might be prone to wandering.
Stage 7 - This is the final of the stages of Alzheimers. This one delivers some very serious blows for the patient, but more generally the family members involved. Symptoms in this stage include loss of ability to recognize speech, total inability to eat and toilet without help and even an inability sit without help, smile and more.
The stages of Alzheimers progress at their own pace for each patient. The progression has been noted to take as much as 20 years, but has also been seen in as little as five. There is no way to tell in advance how slow or fast the stages will be progressed through. The only thing that is certain at this point is that no cure is known and treatments to slow the progression don't work for everyone and they do not work indefinitely.
Labels: alzheimers, stages of alzheimers
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Link Between Diabetes and Periodontal Disease
Diabetes sufferers are well aware of the various related health problems which can be caused by the illness. One problem which often gets overlooked is the link between diabetes and periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the general term for diseases of the mouth which affect the gums and the bones that hold the teeth. A high incidence of teeth and gum problems in diabetics has been directly linked to the disease and poor control of blood sugar levels.
Diabetes causes changes to the blood vessels and makes it difficult for the body to naturally remove waste from the body tissue and replace it with nutrients. Additionally the higher sugar levels can promote the growth of bacteria which can lead to gum disease. Adding to these problems caused by diabetes by having poor oral hygiene will soon cause gingivitis which is the first stage of periodontal disease. Diabetics who smoke are also much more likely to suffer from problems related to gum disease. It has been noted however that people with their diabetes under control will often have perfectly normal gums and teeth.
The second stage of periodontal disease that the diabetic usually suffers from is periodontitis, this is an infection of the bone around the teeth which causes the bone to decay. If untreated the periodontitis will lead to loose teeth and eventually the loss of the teeth. In its initial mild form periodontitis is easily treated but if left untreated is can soon become advanced periodontitis which results in the loss of large areas of bone and teeth. Although periodontal disease can be very serious the diabetic can help to control it or indeed completely prevent it with care and a good oral hygiene routine.
The key to preventing periodontal disease is to adopt a rigorous oral hygiene routine. Regular brushing after each meal and before bed time can help prevent the formation of plaque which can lead to gingivitis. The teeth should be flossed on a regular basis, many people don't floss correctly so it is imperative that you get your dentist to show you how it should be done. If the onset of periodontitis has already begun then the first step to curing it is to have all the plaque removed. In the early stages this is often enough to halt the disease and repair the damage. With proper diabetic control, a good oral hygiene routine and regular checkups diabetes and periodontal disease need not be a serious problem for the diabetic.
Labels: diabetes and periodontal disease, gum disease
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Newly Discovered Obesity Gene
Scientists have pinpointed the obesity gene, which can be passed from parent to child. Due to the results, there is a number of people who carry this gene in Europe, which is why childhood obesity and high metabolism has been rising in the past years.
So does, it mean that most children are getting obese due to genetic conduct , or it can be the famous couch potato lifestyles and fatty diets? Medical expects claim that there are a number of genes that can claim and pre dispose a human body to be obese.
The genes that have been found, may seem to be less common but the dangers of obesity are so vast.
Is the Gene To Blame? More info at
The latest discovered gene, may play a major role in the development of obesity. The scientific team focused on the genes involved in controlling the production of the hormone insulin, which is a hormone that slows down fats in the human body and digestive system.
The researchers who examined some of the patients discovered that the patients had variations in a particular section of DNA which in some way exerts some control over insulin productivity, and the production of an insulin-related growth factor chemical.
Obesity Is On The rise, But It Can be Prevented!
They found children who had inherited one particular variant from their father were far more likely to be obese. The variant is more likely and popular to Europeans and North African People, which is said to be Type 1.
The only way forward for children who happen to have inherited type of gene, is to avoid herding towards the steps of being obese.
It may turn out that scientists will find an easy way of blocking it, so that people who have the fat form of the gene can lose weight more easily. Wouldn't that be a lucky roll of the dice?
Written By Sphephile Peppy Sibanyoni
Labels: children's fitness, exercise for kids, k, kids exercise videos, kids fitness, kids fitness equipment
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Dandruff - Causes and Symptoms
Dandruff is due to the excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. The skin itself sheds every twenty-four days. Dandruff can happen at any age but is most commonly found in people between the ages of 12 and 80. Mild cases may need nothing more than daily shampooing with a gentle cleanser. And stubborn flakes often respond to medicated shampoos. A yeast-like fungus that may cause or aggravate dandruff, a discovery that may lead to better treatments and even to a whole new wardrobe.
Dandruff is an itchy, annoying and persistent skin disorder of the scalp. Some people, however, either chronically or as a result of certain triggers, experience an unusually large amount of flaking, which can also be accompanied by redness and irritation. In the past ten years dandruff problems in the United States have become more serious and more frequent. As it is normal for skin cells to die and flake off, a small amount of flaking is normal and in fact quite common. Most cases of dandruff can be treated with specialized shampoos or common household remedies.
Dandruff is a shedding of the skin on the scalp that leads to white flakes on the head, neck, and shoulders. It is a natural and harmless scalp condition in which the shedding of dead skin cells occurs at an unusually fast rate. Because of the oily skin often associated with this condition, these cells clump together and flake off as dandruff. The skin of the scalp has many layers.
Dandruff and dark color shirt can never find a place together, because it looks really bad when someone brushes off the white flakes off your attire. At the initial level, dandruff might not seem like a big problem but at later stages it can become troublesome, when you'll find that your skin is getting affected. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that can be easily treated.
Dandruff appears as scaling on the scalp without redness. Seborrhea is oiliness of the skin, especially of the scalp and face, without redness or scaling. Patients with seborrhea may later get seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis has both redness and scaling.
Causes of Dandruff
The main causes of dandruff are impairment of general health, development of a toxic condition mainly due to taking of wrong foods, constipation, and a low vitality due to infectious diseases. Another cause is caused by micro-organism called pityrosporum-ovle which is present in every body's scalp. Dandruff is usually a result of too much oiliness of the skin and scalp rather than dryness. While it is caused by build up of dead skin, in many more severe cases a yeast-like germ aggravates it. While this germ is normally present on everyone's scalp, it can produce some irritation if it grows heavily. Hormones may also be another important cause, because dandruff usually starts after puberty and is more common in men than women. For unknown reasons, people with some illnesses, such as Parkinson's disease, are more likely to have dandruff.
Symptoms of Dandruff
The most common symptom of dandruff is itching and excessive flaking of the scalp. Your scalp can be either excessively dry or oily. Severe cases may complain of dandruff scales appearing like lumps or crusts on the scalp. Dandruff is linked to impaired general well being and health, improper diet, constipation and low immune system functioning due to development of toxic conditions or infectious diseases.
Other probable causes of dandruff include emotional tension, harsh shampoos, general exhaustion and over-exposure to cold and heat conditions.
Labels: dandruf cure, dandruf home remedies, dandruff, h, skin care treatment, skin diseases, skin disorders
Friday, May 18, 2007
Sickle Cell - There Is No Cure BUT There Is HOPE
New Developments - in Sickle Cell management
There are some interesting new developments most of which are related to management of the illness rather than a cure. A cure may be some way in the future but right now managing the condition is the best we can hope for.
· Antioxidants – there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that plant based phytochemicals – small antioxidant molecules - can help enormously when faced with the ongoing death of red blood cells and the resultant stress that this causes on the body. Please note that we are not talking about vitamins and minerals – they are important but quite different molecules.
· Water – most people don't realise that just being 5% dehydrated can dramatically decrease the fluidity of the blood. The body will take water from the blood to sustain other critical functions and this leads to the blood being thicker and more prone to higher blood pressure and sickle cells clumping together. Drink water in preference to anything else, 2 to 3 litres per day is the accepted norm and more if you are under stress. Try to use properly filtered water but not reverse osmosis – this is acidic and quite harmful. We only recommend one type of filtered water and as it's portable is the ideal solution for todays busy lifestyle.
· L-Arginine – there has been some research into nitric oxide as a vasodilator – it makes the blood vessels dilate. L-Arginine is a food (actually an amino acid) that in the right conditions can be turned into Nitric Oxide which the body uses to dilate the blood vessels. For someone with sickle cell and pain this is absolutely critical and a great help. It works within 15 minutes normally. Again we can recommend a supplier.
· Glyconutrients – there is a small but very significant number of people around the world who are seeing very significant improvements with pain management, immune system function and general well being that seems to coincide with the introduction of these newly understood biochemically active sugars. There is some evidence that these compounds support the body's own ability to produce stem cells in the bone marrow – this would line up with the research being done in Georgia on stem cell transplant but which is hindered by lack of suitable donors. An autonomic stem cell transplant or even growth has not been studied but is an area worthy of further investigation. We only recommend one supplier as we have only seen repeatable results with one product. There are others out there but they are unproven and in some cases ineffective.
· Vitamins and Minerals – these vital molecules support normal physiology and are vital to health. However, synthetic vitamins and ground up rock does not convey the benefits that we are looking for. The best vitamins and minerals are pre digested minerals and plant sourced vitamins in a food matrix. We can recommend the best suppliers. Folic acid is already well known and should be continued.
· Gastrointestinal Support – the digestive system in sufferers of sickle cell are increasingly compromised and as the GI tract is the front line of the immune system and contributes 70% of its effectiveness it is no surprise that this is an area where there are enormous potential benefits. The use of good Probiotics and digestive enzymes can benefit the sufferer enormously. Once again we have preferred suppliers who have give the best results.
· Pain Management – this is an area where we have to come clean and admit that we don't really understand the results we have seen. Based upon real people we have seen repeatable results with a child's chewable immune support product mitigating the acute pain experienced by every sufferer daily within 15 minutes. We have our ideas on what is giving the almost instant result but we are don't know.
· Reducing dependence on Antibiotics – we have seen all ages who have a history of long term use of antibiotics benefit enormously from the use of the above techniques. Many people have been able to reduce or even eliminate daily use of antibiotics.
· Longer term developmental issues – it is too early to suggest that long term use of glyconutrients will normalise and restore the development of children with sickle cell. However, it is clear already that the earlier you adopt a clear strategy based upon the above ideas that a more normal developmental process may prevail. In simple words – the sooner you start your child on this course the better the results long term.
Labels: anaemia, blood pain, sickle cell, sickle cell disease, sicklecell, sicklecell anemia, thalassemia crisis
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hormone Treatment For Prostate Cancer - The Pros And Cons
There are several types of treatment that is often recommended for prostate cancer and there are pros and cons to each one. Hormone treatments do work relatively well for many men. In fact, hormone treatment for prostate cancer is one way that some doctors choose to treat prostate cancer. In men, testosterone is the main hormone found in the testes. Sometimes there is an overproduction of these cells. When this happens, cancer can occur. For this reason, some treatments include hormone treatment for prostate cancer. Some men may need a different form of treatment, especially if the cancer is in the late stages. However, this may be the right treatment for many. Here is a little about how this type of treatment works and the advantages and disadvantages.
How Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer Works:
The main goal of hormone therapy to treat prostate cancer is to block the testosterone and decrease the chances of prostate cancer cells from forming or growing. Doctors want to stop or slow down the growth of these cells. Hormones are almost always recommended for young men and those are relatively healthy. Medications are used for hormone treatments. Most doctors will prescribe these medications to take three times a day. In addition, injections are also given once every three months. Here are some advantages of hormone treatment for prostate cancer.
• This type of treatment is usually a good option for men that have caught the cancer in its early stages. It is gentler on the body than other types of prostate cancer treatment.
• It usually works well. Men who get this form of treatment find that it does work relatively well. Some people prefer waiting it out, however, hormone treatment can help in that situation.
Here are the disadvantages of hormone treatment for prostate cancer:
• If it begins to fail to work, then it will not begin to work again. This means that another form of treatment will have to be pursued. One other option is to have the testes removed to take away the possibility of the cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body. This is often the best form of treatment for late stage prostate cancer.
• It has side effects. Side effects of hormone treatment for prostate cancer include decreased sex drive, nausea, breast enlargement, liver damage, fatigue, weight gain, hot flashes and reduced muscle and bone mass.
• Typical hormone treatments will not kill the cancer cells. Instead, it will reduce the size and amount of the cells. This type of treatment is not effective or recommended for late stages of prostate cancer.
Only you and your doctor can decide what type of hormone treatment for prostate cancer is right for you. When you find out you have prostate cancer, the best thing you can do is to do your research and work with your doctor to find the best treatment.
Labels: Laser Prostate Treatment, Prostate Biopsy, Prostate Cancer Detection And Treatment
Monday, May 14, 2007
Symptoms Of Heartburn Acid Reflux Disease
The most common symptom of acid reflux disease is heartburn. Heartburn is experienced by most people at some time or another. It requires evaluation by a specialist only when it is experienced repeatedly, when it persists despite over-the-counter remedies, or when it is accompanied by more alarming symptoms such as weight loss, difficulty swallowing, or bleeding.
Normally, thirty to forty-five minutes after a heavy meal, you feel heartburn inside your body, a feeling of burning discomfort right behind the heart area of the body, moving up toward the neck and throat. Heartburn releases when excessive amounts of acid reflux into the lower esophagus. It can last for a few hours and is often the worst after meals. Having heartburn is not necessarily acid reflux or a health problem, but when heartburn is frequent, two or more times in a week, or accompanied by other symptoms, that is when acid reflux becomes the diagnosis.
Some people use antacids to relieve heartburn. They can rapidly relieve heartburn symptoms. They work directly in the stomach to decrease the acidity of the reflux liquid irritating the esophagus. They also help neutralize the area inside the esophagus. When antacids and a foaming agent are combined, they produce a foam barrier in the stomach, which floats over the contents of the stomach, preventing acid from splashing up into the esophagus.
Another common symptom of acid reflux is acid regurgitation, which occurs when acid travels all the way up from the stomach, past both the lower and upper esophageal sphincters, into the mouth. Some people even taste the sour acid in the back of the throat.
If you are still unsure whether you have acid reflux disease, try to ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I often have bad-tasting foam in my mouth?
- Do I often have bad breath?
- Do I need to clear my throat few times a day?
- Do I cough a lot?
- Do I frequently hoarse?
- Do I have heartburn more than twice a week?
If you have more than one of the above symptoms, you may want to try some over-the-counter acid reflux products to relieve the pain.
Labels: acid reflux, heartburn relief, Symptoms Of Heartburn Acid Reflux Disease
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Arizona Eating Disorder Treatment
Arizona has numerous treatment centers to treat eating disorder. Montecatini, The Victorian, The Carolina House, The Center for Hope of the Sierras, and Remuda Ranch are one of the best eating disorder treating centers. These centers offer a variety of treatments of anorexia, bulimia, and related complaints.
The residents have been treated by a team of experts including psychiatric and principal care provider, psychologist, registered dietitian, registered nurse, and trained therapist. The professional staff provides the entire resident with the accurate treatments to live a healthy and dynamic life.
The specialized therapies offered by the centers in Arizona include art, body image, challenge course, chemical dependency, equine, movement, recreational therapy, and trauma. All the treatments given are well planned and most of the treatments have widespread multi-phase assessments. The treatments are given with additional care.
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder; it is also known as binge-eating syndrome. The bulimia nervosa-affected people swap between binge eating and purging. These people suffer from an indistinct body image, and often suffered by mood disturbances like depression. Scanning, using positron emission tomography or a PET scan, is done to collect images of the activity of the brain.
Obesity is the most critical health problem in most of the countries. It has biological, hereditary, psychological, and socio-cultural factors. The primary action should be taken by an obesity person should always be seeking the help of a physician to analyze and treat the problems. The advanced effective treatment of obesity involves teamwork among health professionals like dietician, physician, and therapist.
Anorexia nervosa is a fatal eating disorder. It involves severe weight loss; even up to 15% below the normal weight. The first course of action must be to consult a physician. Hospitalization may also require in some cases. These people are often extremely resistant to seeking help. Even though they face very serious problems, they remain convinced. Therapy provides confidential, comforting, non-judgmental, and safe setting and then treats fundamental emotional and psychological causes of eating disorders. The feelings of extreme anxiety and/or guiltiness that members of the family experience is comparable to the suicidal activity. Due to the risk, the family members must play important role to support the suffered people.
Labels: Arizona Eating Disorder Treatment, eating disorder treatments, eating disorders
Thursday, May 10, 2007
GERD and Cottage Cheese
GERD and cottage cheese are incompatible. GERD and milk are also incompatible.
Many people believe that milk and other dairy products will lessen heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD. The truth is, however, that heartburn and milk, GERD and cottage cheese, or any other of dozens of combinations may only make the problem worse.
National Heartburn Alliance's Heartburn Guide
If you call the National Heartburn Alliance toll free at 877-471-2081, you can request a copy of their heartburn guide. What will it tell you? It will advise you to stop heartburn, acid reflux, and GERD before they begin. To help you do this, they color-code various food groups.
* RED: Red means stop, of course. If a food is in this category, you should stop and rethink whether to risk eating it.
* YELLOW: Use discretion in eating these foods.
* GREEN: Normally acceptable foods that seem to have little potential for causing heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD.
Dairy Products
GERD and cottage cheese make up only one combination against which the National Heartburn Alliance warns. Dairy products in general fall into the red and yellow categories of their guide – foods that GERD patients will want to avoid or eat cautiously.
"Red" foods for those who suffer GERD and similar complaints are cottage cheese, ice cream, milk shakes, and sour cream. They seem to have omitted regular milk, but other sites include it.
"Yellow" foods for GERD sufferers include low fat cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, frozen yogurt, mozzarella, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and yogurt.
Possible Explanation
Some believe milk is a perfect food for infants of any species, but not for adults. Other species of mammals stop drinking milk once they are weaned from the mother.
* Infant grizzly bears eat no honey, salmon, or berries. They live on mother's milk. Once they are weaned, however, they never again drink milk.
* Infant cattle do not graze on grass and sagebrush. They live on mother's milk alone. Once a calf is weaned, however, it never again puts milk into its stomach.
* Infant lions, tigers, and domestic cats rely on mother's milk for all nourishment. When they are weaned, that comes to an end. They become meat eaters, and never drink milk again.
* Humans are the only mammals that continue to drink milk into adulthood. We become adults, able to digest strong meat, but we still want milk with that meat – or coffee – or tea.
No GERD, Heartburn, or Acid Reflux
It is thought by some that when milk is the only food in the stomach, the gastric acid is neutralized. No heartburn or GERD. Neutralized acid allows milk proteins to survive and deliver essential hormones, immunoglobulin, and lactoferrins to the body. Milk stops digestion. It puts the process on pause long enough for the survival of substances that nurture and protect infants.
But, they say, milk was created to be alone in the stomach. Milk should not be combined with animal flesh from the prey, grains, grass, insects, or any other kind of food.
Put milk in the stomach with other foods, and it will prevent the stomach from doing its designated task. GERD, heartburn, or acid reflux can result.
Caution: The author is not a medical profession. The information in this article is for educational purposes only. If you have persistent GERD or related complaints, please see a physician for advice.
Labels: acid reflux, GERD, GERD and cottage cheese, heartburn, National Heartburn Alliance
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Diarrhea Treatment - Chamomile
- What is chamomile?
- Why is chamomile a good diarrhea treatment?
- How much chamomile do you need to take as a diarrhea treatment?
What Is Chamomile?
Chamomile has been used for centuries in Europe for gastrointestinal conditions.
Chamomile is an herb which is part of the daisy family.
It is native to western Asia and Europe.
It is the dried fresh flowers of chamomile which is used for medicinal purposes.
The beneficial health ingredients of chamomile are:
- Alpha-Bisabolol
- Alpha-Bisabolol Oxides A & B
- Matricin
- Apigenin Luteolin
- Quercetin
Chamomile has the following health functions:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antispasmodic
- Muscle relaxant
- Antacid
- Anti-parasitic
- Sedative
- Relieves intestinal spasms
Apart from helping with digestive problems, chamomile can also help with the following health conditions:
- Anxiety
- Canker Sores
- Conjunctivitis
- Eczema
- Gingivitis
- Insomnia
Why Is Chamomile A Good Diarrhea Treatment?
Chamomile is good diarrhea treatment because of its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and muscle relaxing properties.
These properties of chamomile helps it to relieve intestinal spasms, irritation and inflammation associated with diarrhea.
How Much Chamomile Do You Need To Take As A Diarrhea Treatment?
Chamomile is traditionally taken in the form of a tea.
As a diarrhea treatment, drinking 3 cups of tea or more per day will help to reduce your diarrhea.
It is best to drink chamomile tea between meals.
Note: chamomile tea is generally safe to consume for the majority of people, but it has been noted that some people can have an allergic reaction to it.
So, to sum up...
Chamomile has been used for centuries to help digestive complaints due to its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and muscle relaxing properties.
As a diarrhea treatment, it is best to take chamomile as a tea.
Drinking three or more cups of tea per day will help to reduce your diarrhea.
Labels: Chamomile, Diarrhea Treatment