Thursday, June 28, 2007
Is There A Cure For Herpes Simplex 1 & How Do I Recognize The Symptoms of Herpes Breakouts?
Most people know that there is currently no cure for herpes simplex 1, but researchers have been making great progress with effective prevention and treatments of the virus. They have also been taking some steps toward finding an eventual cure for herpes, although it is most likely a long way away.
The lack of finding a definitive cure of herpes simplex 1 is not a reflection of a lack of effort on the part of scientists working with this complex virus. The Herpes Research Laboratory at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science has been examining the herpes virus for years and has pinpointed the specific type of nerve cell, the CD8 cell, which sustains the life of the virus. They have also found the cell, the CD1 cell, which triggers immunity to the virus.
Many herpes vaccines have been developed through the years in the hopes of providing a cure for herpes simplex 1. Most of them have been proven to trigger a very strong immunity reaction to the virus. Some vaccines have reduced the number of subsequent outbreaks to the point where they are virtually non-existent. Unfortunately, none of these vaccines have resulted in the proven eradication of the herpes virus from the nervous system. Many studies on mice have been conducted and proven successful, but the same rate of success has yet to be proven in humans.
What has been found recently, according to researchers, is the presence of an antibody to the herpes virus in the vaginal fluids of animals that have been injected with certain herpes vaccines. Scientists are hopeful that these findings will be important to the development of a future vaccination for herpes in women.
Many questions are still unanswered as of yet as to what kind of vaccination will result from the findings. Whether it will prevent outbreaks, prevent transmission, or provide some unknown assistance to the fight against the virus is still very much unknown. What we do know is that although we do not currently have a cure of herpes simplex 1, we are getting closer.
Science's uphill battle in search for the cure for herpes simplex 1 is certainly gaining some ground. Until the battle is won, there are many treatment methods available to make the symptoms of the virus as insignificant as possible. Prescription drugs such as Valtrex have become popular ways to alleviate symptoms and outbreak frequency.
These antiviral medications are taken daily as preventative measures against the virus. As with many manufactured drugs, side effects often occur when they are administered to the patient.
An excellent, and increasingly popular, alternative to prescription medication are the wide variety of natural treatments available. Products have been developed that combine olive leaf, andrographis and echinacea to boost the body's immune system which ultimately suppresses symptoms. Lysine, Vitamin C, and zinc combinations have been shown to expedite the healing process of the lesions.
While these treatments aren't exactly a cure for herpes simplex 1, they do help to cure the reoccurring symptoms.
Labels: cure for herpes simplex 1, cure of herpes simplex 1
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Lyme Disease Season is Here, But Never Fear...
Sun, nature, outdoors… and ticks! Lyme Disease Season is upon us! Lyme disease will plague over 200,000 people in the United States this year alone. It is estimated that nearly 1 billion cases of Lyme disease are left untreated in the world today because doctors often overlook or misdiagnose Lyme disease. If you are reading this article, then quite possibly you or a loved one is suffering from the aftermath of this debilitating disease. Perhaps you are part of the millions who were misdiagnosed and are now suffering from the late stages of Lyme disease. Don't lose hope! Did you know there is a natural remedy that has been healing people of Lyme disease? This could be the most shocking article you ever read about Lyme disease!
The Good and Bad…
My name is Joe Barton and I've discovered a simple, all natural cure for Lyme disease. Unfortunately, medical doctors have found Lyme disease to be one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose properly, often leading to ineffective prescriptions which cost a bundle. Thankfully, the remedy I have discovered stops the progression of Lyme disease, using 2 simple household ingredients.
The facts!
Did you know that Lyme disease has grown exponentially in recent decades?
Did you know that Lyme disease was almost non-existent before the 1970s?
You may not realize a correlation between these two facts… but over the past 30 years, Americans as well as many other people worldwide have drastically decreased their intake of sodium in order to combat high blood pressure, calcium depletion, and fluid retention. Unfortunately, many of those who told us to decrease our sodium intake forgot to tell us the benefits of certain types of "safe" sodium…. Namely the cure and prevention of Lyme disease! By taking a certain type of sodium in conjunction with another common health supplement, the results are liberating. Thousands of people are educating themselves and becoming free from the pain and symptoms of Lyme disease.
Could I have Lyme disease?
Here are some common symptoms of both early and late stage symptoms of Lyme disease:
Early Lyme Disease Symptoms:
Flu-like feelings
Stiff neck
Muscle Aches
Unique Enlarging Rash/Bruise
Progressive Lyme Disease Symptoms:
Rash (possibly a bull's eye rash)
Profound fatigue
Severe headache
Muscle aches and pains
Sleep disorders, or brain wave disruptions
Vision Changes
Symptom-free in less than three
Chances are good that you saw a doctor, but you may be wondering if there is more you can do. After months of research I have discovered a 72-hour or less remedy that might free you from the aching complications of Lyme disease. The remedy consists of two household ingredients at specific amounts for specific amounts of time. Please do not delay. Visit my website today at
and see how thousands of others just like you are now free from the ailments of Lyme disease. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be 100%. healthy.. and just imagine, 100% could be just 3 days away.
Here is what one of our customers had to say:
"Hello, I tried your remedy Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday I felt better than I have felt in 2 months. The back pain I have had for months was much better, and my knees have improved."
Joe Barton writes for Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in educating people of numerous natural remedies and safe, affordable cures. To educate yourself more on Lyme disease and understand how you can free yourself from Lyme disease, click here:
Labels: cure, lyme disease, lyme symptoms, natural treatment, remedy, sodium
Friday, June 22, 2007
Celiac Disease - What You Need to Know About Celiac Disease
Sue Shouldis of Middletown, MD, age 61, began to see the humor in what she'd been through after she started feeling better. A mysterious, debilitating illness crept in and stole her health, her job as a legal assistant and her satisfying life in Florida. In retrospect, though, it seemed kind of funny that food had caused her body to attack itself. So she wrote a poem:
Oh, Bread! Bless thy white glutinous face Savior of the human race Staff of life you're said to be Oh, Bread, methinks you're killing me!
Shouldis has celiac disease, a highly variable condition that's also called sprue or celiac sprue. Celiac is vastly under-diagnosed; 95 percent of Americans who have it have no clue that's what ails them. It can cause anything from "nervous stomach" to impaired brain function. There is no typical case; it can look like 1,000 other conditions. A National Institutes of Health consensus report says celiac affects up to 1 in every 100 people in the U.S. Some are as sick as Shouldis was; others feel only vaguely unwell.
The Who, What and Why of Celiac Disease
Celiac, which affects more women than men, is an autoimmune condition. It inflames the villi, tiny fingerlike projections that blanket the lining of the small intestine and absorb nutrients into the bloodstream. This inflammation is triggered by gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. (Gluten is a technically incorrect but more convenient term than the scientific names: wheat gliadin, rye secalin and barley hordein.) Daily irritation from breakfast toast, lunchtime sandwiches and less obvious gluten sources like soy sauce and beer damages a sufferer's villi. The resulting atrophy creates nutritional deficits that worsen with time. Celiac is, essentially, a disease of starvation.
Celiac disease symptoms don't necessarily indicate degree of intestinal damage. Peter H. R. Green, M.D., director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University and author of Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic (HarperCollins), says that "studies show the majority of patients do not have classic celiac disease, but a silent presentation with few or no GI symptoms."
Testing, Testing
If you test positive for IgA endomysial antibody, you almost certainly have celiac disease. But that blood test is expensive. The less pricey test for IgA tissue transglutaminase picks up a key celiac marker but also registers positive for other conditions. Screens for IgA and IgG antigliadin antibodies are falling out of favor (too many false positives and false negatives). The gold standard? A biopsy of the small intestine, done by a gastroenterologist who knows where to look.
What Can People with Celiac Disease Eat?
It can seem hard to construct a diet that allows no pasta, bread or pastry. But meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, beans, rice, corn and potatoes are all healthy choices.
Once a strict gluten-free diet is adopted, the villi almost always recover in six months to two years. Symptoms, from mental confusion to dark circles under the eyes, also vanish.
For more information, contact:
With an early diagnosis of celiac disease and adoption of a gluten-free diet, it's possible to halt your symptoms and prevent complications. So see you doctor if you suspect celiac disease. You'll be that much closer to feeling better.
Writer: Mary H. Brown
©REMEDY, Summer 2007
Labels: celiac, celiac disease, celiac disease symptoms, celiac sprue, gluten intolerance, sprue
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Causes And Treatments For Dyslexia
For those of us who don't suffer from this puzzling disease, it is hard to imagine how such a thing is even possible. We take a simple thing like reading so for granted. And yet there are those for whom reading is an adventure in every sense of the word. If you're wondering what causes Dyslexia, or even what it is, this is an article that you'll probably want to read. You'll also discover treatments that are used for people who suffer from dyslexia. Fortunately, there is hope.
For those who aren't quite sure what dyslexia is, it's a disease where people have trouble understanding the written word. This usually shows up very early in life when we are children. The bigger problem with this disease is that in our modern society, we learn by reading. Therefore, if we have trouble reading, we then have trouble learning, which in turn leads to more difficulty in reading because we can't learn. It becomes a vicious cycle.
So, just what are the symptoms of somebody who has dyslexia? Well, the most common symptom is the reversing of words when reading. For example, given this short sentence, "I went to the store." a person with dyslexia may read it as "I to went store the" or possibly some other combination of those words. This will vary from person to person. The point is, when you're reading sentences not as they've been intended, it is very difficult to get the true meaning of those sentences and learn from them. Also, there are other symptoms such as mixing up letters in a word or even reading from right to left. No two people will have the same symptoms.
So, what causes dyslexia? While nobody is 100% certain, it appears, at least from the research that has been done, that dyslexia is caused by a genetic disorder of the brain. The brain of a person who suffers from dyslexia works differently than what we would call a "normal" brain. More importantly, it appears that most children who suffer from dyslexia have parents or grandparents who also suffered from learning disabilities. Therefore, it appears that this problem is inherited.
Diagnosing dyslexia is actually very easy. If your child is having difficulty learning or reading or both, there are simple tests that can be done to determine if your child is indeed dyslexic. Sentence Verification Tests (SVT) are used to determine if a child is reversing of mixing up the words in a sentence. These tests are very reliable and accurate.
There is no drug to treat dyslexia. Dyslexia is treated via education and tools that are used to get the child to rearrange the words correctly in their brain so that they can understand what they are reading. There are a variety of methods that professionals use in order to accomplish this. Recently, in Great Britain, new exercises to stimulate parts of the brain have shown to be very effective.
Many advances have been made in this area and children who suffer from dyslexia have excellent chances to lead normal and productive lives if this problem is caught early. So if your child shows difficulty learning, take him or her to be tested immediately.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
Labels: dyslexia in children, dyslexia symptoms, dyslexia treatment, symptoms of dyslexia, what is dyslexia
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
What Are the Symptoms of Alzheimer's and Is There a Cure?
This article provides a range of information to create further understanding and awareness of Alzheimer's and other types of dementia. Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia, a brain disorder that seriously affects a persons ability to perform daily activities, and is most common among older people. Alzheimer's affects 5% of people over 65 and 20% of people over 80. Alzheimer's is a complex disease that, more than likely, is caused by a number of influences. No one single factor has been identified as the cause for Alzheimer's disease, and it is likely that a combination of factors, including age, genetic inheritance and environmental factors are involved. Alzheimer's often impairs short-term memory but leaves long-term memory intact. Alzheimer's disease gradually progresses from mild to moderate to severe.
Symptoms of Alzheimer's include: having increasing difficulty managing complex or new tasks, showing lack of initiative or withdrawal from usual activities, emotional and personality changes, having problems finding the right words or understanding what is being said to them. They may also include: gradual and progressive memory loss, difficulty in following directions and performing routine tasks, impaired judgment, reasoning, concentration, and orientation confusion and restlessness, and loss of the ability to care for one's self.
Alzheimer's disease and other age related dementia cause many problems for patients and their families. Family members who care for an Alzheimer's patient spend lots of time worrying about whether they are doing the right thing. Family members or other caregivers can help by trying to understand how the person with Alzheimer's perceives his or her world. They need emotional support, practical help and information about the illness.
Caregivers must adjust over time as the needs of the person with Alzheimer's disease change, cope with challenging behavioral changes, and experience the heartache when their loved one no longer ia able to recognize them. Caregivers often ignore their own health needs due to the demands of their care-giving role. Support groups can be very helpful, especially for the family, as their loved one starts to deteriorate into someone who hardly knows them.
Research shows that there may be different genetic and non-genetic causes of Alzheimer's. Researchers say these findings may help identify people at risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which leads to Alzheimer's disease. The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) is a major research study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, to determine whether brain imaging can help predict onset and monitor progression of Alzheimers disease. Research has found exercising that part of the brain can help build up a "cognitive reserve," which can stave off Alzheimer's. Researchers will also be evaluating whether the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taken over many months, slows the progression of both cognitive and functional decline in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's. There is also research ongoing as to the usefulness of ginkgo biloba extract and other herbal treatments, and for high doses of vitamin E in the treatment of Alzheimer's.
A diagnosis by your doctor should be sought as early as possible, as an early diagnosis will help you plan for the future, enable the person with Alzheimer's to benefit from the treatments that are available, help you identify sources of advice and support. Treatment modalities include counseling, psychotherapy (if cognitive functioning is adequate), reminiscent therapy, reality orientation therapy, and behavioral reinforcements as well as cognitive rehabilitation training. In over 50 studies conducted on Ginkgo for the treatment of "cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's," a Cochrane Review concluded that "there is promising evidence of improvement in cognition and function associated with Ginkgo. Cognitive and behavioral interventions and rehabilitation strategies may be used as an adjunct to pharmacologic treatment, especially in the early to moderately advanced stages of Alzheimer's. Proposed alternative treatments for Alzheimer's include a broad range of herbal compounds and dietary supplements.
Promising research continues to provide hope of our being able to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Additionally, as more and more doctors become aware of the benefits of alternative medicines, general nutrition and the role that vitamins, mineral and herbal supplements play in preventing Alzheimer's a cure could be in the offing in the foreseeable future.
This article is intended to provide assistance and information to people who are interested in learning more about natural remedies. It should not be used as a basis for any form of diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition. Always seek professional medical advice.
Labels: Alzheimer's cure, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's symptoms, Alzheimer's treatment
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Facts On Asperger Syndrome
I don't know if you watch a popular TV show by the name of "Boston Legal." If not, there is a recurring character on the show who happens to suffer from Asperger Syndrome. At first, I wasn't sure how accurate the portrayal was, until I did some extensive research on the disease itself. While slightly sensationalized, there is a lot of truth in the portrayal. This article is going to give you the straight facts about Asperger Syndrome so that you'll understand more about it.
Asperger Syndrome is classified as a developmental disorder. There can be many characteristics associated with this disease, but there are some that are more common than others. Most people with Asperger Syndrome will usually become very preoccupied with a particular subject or area of interest to the exclusion of just about anything else in life. This is similar to many people who suffer from Autism. People who suffer from Asperger Syndrome will often perform repetitive activities, such as always brushing their teeth the same time and the same way each day, or taking in the newspaper at the same time each day and looking through the same sections in a particular order.
People suffering from Asperger Syndrome usually speak in what we would consider a peculiar way, such as in monotone. Also, they take the things that others say very literally such that play on words or sarcasm is not properly understood.
Probably one of the biggest problems that people with Asperger Syndome face is that they are almost completely unable to interact with others. Most sufferers tend to be loners and have a very difficult time in a social setting. Dating is difficult and finding a lifelong partner is almost impossible.
If you watch the TV show "Boston Legal" and noted Jerry Espinson's motions and manner of walking and gesturing, this is also a very tell-tale sign of somebody who is suffering from Asperger Syndrome. Their movements may appear very strange to most people as they are usually stiff and awkward.
Asperger Syndrome is actually a part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder group. This group of diseases is characterized by many of the same symptoms, so it is sometimes difficult to accurately diagnose somebody who is specifically suffering from Asperger Syndrome. However, that the person is suffering from one of the diseases, is usually evident from an early age.
In case you're wondering why this particular disease is called Asperger Syndrome, it is because it is named after a doctor who was actually suffering from this disease himself. He performed a self diagnosis and wrote many articles on the disease. This started way back in 1944, but it wasn't until 1992 that this disease was officially named.
Today, there are a number of treatments for Asperger sufferers such as social skills training and medication. If you suspect that you or a child is suffering from Asperger Syndrome, there are simple tests that can be performed to determine if this is the case.
There is great hope for people suffering from Asperger Syndrome to be able to live a normal, integrated life with the rest of society.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
Labels: asperger syndrome, asperger syndrome and definition, asperger syndrome details
Friday, June 08, 2007
Helping a Coworker With Cerebral Palsy
Has a colleague recently been diagnosed with cerebral palsy? If so, you may be wondering how you can help him or her through this difficult period. Here, we'll provide some ways that you can show your support without feeling uncomfortable (or making anyone else feel awkward).
1. Be a Good Listener
If your coworker tells you he or she has cerebral palsy, don't suddenly launch into a long monologue about your aunt who died who had the condition. Instead, keep your lips closed, nod, and just listen. Your colleague probably is very worried about the cerebral palsy diagnosis and likely wants to talk with you, not be "wowed" by your knowledge of the subject. Obviously, if he or she asks you a question, you can speak… just don't take over the conversation.
2. Offer to Help… but Be Specific
There's nothing wrong with offering to help a friend who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, but make sure you're specific. Don't simply say, "Can I help you?", as doing so puts an undue onus on the cerebral palsy victim to figure out how you can be of service. Instead, ask, "Do you need any rides to appointments? I'd love to come with you," or, "I make a mean meatloaf and my family adores my grandmother's lasagna recipe. Why don't I put together some dinners so you don't have to worry about cooking for the next few days?" That way, your friend with cerebral palsy can say "yes" or "no" to specific requests.
3. Hold Back on Gossip
The office will no doubt be buzzing with gossip, especially about your coworker's cerebral palsy (it's difficult to keep things like this quiet.) However, if you want to be a helpful colleague, resist the temptation to engage in discussions about the cerebral palsy. Even if you're dying to join your office mates in a rip-roaring speculative conversation about cerebral palsy, don't do it. By staying silent, you'll be showing your coworker that you respect his or her privacy.
4. Be Observant
Finally, if a teammate has confided in you that he or she has cerebral palsy, make sure you're observant. If you notice that tasks are becoming particularly difficult for him or her, ask him or her in private if they think it's because of the cerebral palsy and, if it is, how you can help.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Creatine Monohydrate: Create Harder Stronger Muscles
In order to understand what role creatine monohydrate plays it is first necessary to understand what creatine is. The human body makes creatine from several different types of amino acids within the system. However, it is necessary that the body be provided with a nutritious diet that is abundant in amino acids as well as other nutrients in order for the body to manufacture creatine. These factors must not be skipped when giving the body nutrition or the amount of creatine being manufactured is much lower than required levels should be.
Now that you know that the human body makes creatine, it is sensible to ascertain that adding a creatine supplement can boost those creatine levels in the body. The high content of amino acids in creatine monohydrate helps this process enormously. The body takes those excess amino acids that are introduced with creatine and converts them into energy for the muscles. Anytime a muscle is used for flexing, lifting or any slight movement, creatine is present and fires within the muscle. Creatine monohydrate added to any work out schedule will provide the muscles with the hydration and energy needed to endure rigorous work out regimes.
Once armed with the knowledge that the body naturally produces creatine it is easy to understand why creatine monohydrate would also be beneficial. To back up these claims behind creatine monohydrate it is wise to understand what muscle strength is dependant upon. This is especially important if one is trying to gain strength and build up the muscles as opposed to maintaining physique. Muscle strength relies on a substance called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is largely dependant upon the levels of creatine in the body so the higher the creatine content, the better the environment to create harder, stronger muscles.
Creatine is found in natural foods that society consumes such as tuna, salmon, cod, beef or pork. These products have creatine and are most often consumed by bodybuilders to get those creatine benefits naturally without a supplement. When eating excess amounts of these substances just can't be done, the creatine monohydrate supplement is there to boost creatine levels.
Speaking of natural ways to get creatine, there are a few precautions in this area. Overeating the natural source food items that contain high levels of creatine can be detrimental to bodybuilders and athletes in general. The reason for this is that there are significantly high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol in these foods. Bodybuilders tend to go for the creatine monohydrate supplement before over eating on these food items because there isn't the fat content or the cholesterol. High fat intake and cholesterol can eventually lead to clogged arteries and hardening of the artery walls making creatine monohydrate a suitable and preferred replacement.
Incorporating creatine supplements into a natural diet can greatly improve conditions to increase strength and build muscle. It brings the creatine levels in the body that are required when weight training or bodybuilding. Avoid over eating and try the creatine monohydrate supplement today to add that extra boost while working out.
Labels: Bodybuilding, Muscle, Supplements
Monday, June 04, 2007
Diet Lower Cholesterol Search - Our Diet Lower Cholesterol Search Guide
To begin your diet lower cholesterol search, you must find all the foods low in cholesterol and the foods that help lower cholesterol. As a part of this diet, herbal supplements should be taken as well. Not just any herbal supplements, but those which only contain natural ingredients. Among all the available herbal supplements, finding supplements from such pristine places as New Zealand where they use only the finest natural ingredients would perhaps be the best choice.
Butter vs. Margarine
It is also important to remember when conducting you diet lower cholesterol search to not substitute margarine for butter. Any diet that recommends this should not be considered. Margarine contains higher concentrations of trans fats which have been determined to be detrimental to good cardiovascular health. So much so in fact that they are now being banned in restaurants in major cities. Either one of these foods should be used as sparingly as possible.
Diet with Variety.
A good diet should also not be mainly comprised of any one type of food. A diet should be well rounded and contain many different foods so as to remain interesting. A diet that calls for eating only rice cakes would get extremely boring and would be doomed to fail. The more variety that can be included in the diet the better. Your body will thank you and your taste buds will thank you as well.
Diet + Exercise = Lower Cholesterol and Better Health.
A diet lower cholesterol search should also be conducted with some type of aerobic exercise in mind. Aerobic exercise combined with a sensible diet will not only help to shed extra pounds, but it will also further help the body metabolize the over-abundance of cholesterol. Herbal supplements will help in this realm as well. Herbal supplements will help the body to metabolize substances more efficiently and will give the body the ability to release greater amounts of energy.
Herbal Supplements vs. Prescription Meds.
Prescription medications are notorious for their side effects. Among personal favorites are migraine medication that may cause headaches or heartburn pills that may cause intestinal bleeding. Even with side effects like these, medications are virtually pushed on people at an alarming rate. Herbal supplements containing only natural ingredients can help you extend your life without counterproductive side effects. It is important to research possible herbals to make sure that they contain only natural ingredients. A good place to start the search would be with products from New Zealand.
Labels: Diet Lower Cholesterol Search
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Can You Get Yeast Infections In Other Parts Of The Body
In common practice, yeast infection generally refers to vaginal yeast infection. In fact yeast can really infect different parts of the body. Candidacies or candidacies refer to infection by any type of the genus Candida. The fungi live in the stool. They do not cause problems beneath normal conditions unless the system of the body is weak, then they can attack other parts of the body. Local invasion of the fungi might get into the blood stream.
Usually this does not cause problems of any consequence but the same patients with overgrowth of Candida on mucosal surfaces and long-term intravenous outline often have serious fundamental illnesses that are being treated with antibiotics, corticosteroids and antineoplastic chemotherapy and then the spread of the fungi through the blood stream might cause micro-abscesses in manifold organs. The micro-abscesses in the brain may expand meningitis.
Yeast syndrome
Symptoms of yeast infection in other parts can contain
1. Abdominal Pain
2. Anus: itching, particularly after eating food with high sugar content
3. Athlete's foot
4. Bad breath
5. Bloating, belching or intestinal gas, especially after meals
6. Body: deadness, foul odor, low temperature
7. Bruise easily
8. Chest pain or tightness
9. Constipation and diarrhea
10. Coordination is poor
11. Cough or recurrent bronchitis
12. Cystitis or interstitial cystitis
13. Dizziness and drowsiness
14. Ears: recurring infections or fluid in ears, pain or deafness.
Other causes:
Endometriosis or infertility, in eyes like spots in front of eyes or erratic vision or itchy eyes, burning or tearing eyes, fatigue, chronic irritation and irritation of the eye and conjunctiva. Lips swollen, facial rash, fatigue or lethargy, food allergies, corn or other common foods, food prevention alleviates yeast syndrome. Groin area sticky, wet and with foul odor, hair follicles like food high in sugar increases inflammation of the hair follicles of various parts of the body, headache, migraine, feeling of fullness are few prominent symptoms of yeast infection. Shaking or irritable when hungry, insomnia, intoxication feeling after meals, Joint pain and swelling, irregular periods, anxiety or crying, mood swings, manic or depressed or compulsive, irritability can happen at the time of yeast infection.
Labels: cures, I, infecftion, infection, Infections, natural, remedies, symptoms, Treatments, yeast