Thursday, June 28, 2007
Is There A Cure For Herpes Simplex 1 & How Do I Recognize The Symptoms of Herpes Breakouts?
Most people know that there is currently no cure for herpes simplex 1, but researchers have been making great progress with effective prevention and treatments of the virus. They have also been taking some steps toward finding an eventual cure for herpes, although it is most likely a long way away.
The lack of finding a definitive cure of herpes simplex 1 is not a reflection of a lack of effort on the part of scientists working with this complex virus. The Herpes Research Laboratory at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science has been examining the herpes virus for years and has pinpointed the specific type of nerve cell, the CD8 cell, which sustains the life of the virus. They have also found the cell, the CD1 cell, which triggers immunity to the virus.
Many herpes vaccines have been developed through the years in the hopes of providing a cure for herpes simplex 1. Most of them have been proven to trigger a very strong immunity reaction to the virus. Some vaccines have reduced the number of subsequent outbreaks to the point where they are virtually non-existent. Unfortunately, none of these vaccines have resulted in the proven eradication of the herpes virus from the nervous system. Many studies on mice have been conducted and proven successful, but the same rate of success has yet to be proven in humans.
What has been found recently, according to researchers, is the presence of an antibody to the herpes virus in the vaginal fluids of animals that have been injected with certain herpes vaccines. Scientists are hopeful that these findings will be important to the development of a future vaccination for herpes in women.
Many questions are still unanswered as of yet as to what kind of vaccination will result from the findings. Whether it will prevent outbreaks, prevent transmission, or provide some unknown assistance to the fight against the virus is still very much unknown. What we do know is that although we do not currently have a cure of herpes simplex 1, we are getting closer.
Science's uphill battle in search for the cure for herpes simplex 1 is certainly gaining some ground. Until the battle is won, there are many treatment methods available to make the symptoms of the virus as insignificant as possible. Prescription drugs such as Valtrex have become popular ways to alleviate symptoms and outbreak frequency.
These antiviral medications are taken daily as preventative measures against the virus. As with many manufactured drugs, side effects often occur when they are administered to the patient.
An excellent, and increasingly popular, alternative to prescription medication are the wide variety of natural treatments available. Products have been developed that combine olive leaf, andrographis and echinacea to boost the body's immune system which ultimately suppresses symptoms. Lysine, Vitamin C, and zinc combinations have been shown to expedite the healing process of the lesions.
While these treatments aren't exactly a cure for herpes simplex 1, they do help to cure the reoccurring symptoms.
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