Wednesday, October 31, 2007

GastroIntestinal Reflux Disorder (GIRD) And Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GastroIntestinal Reflux Disorder (GIRD) and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) are two common digestive upsets that share similar symptoms: pyrosis (burning sense experience and or hurting in the tummy and or chest, behind the breastbone), abdominal bloating, gas, nausea, shortness of breath and or acidic or rancid taste sensation in the throat. Both are generally caused by mediocre diet: too building or too cleansing.

Digestion is a very simple process. Food is taken via the mouth, chewed, amalgamated with spit and sent down via the pharynx and oesophagus into the stomach, where it is mixed with acid and enzymes. This mixture sit downs and agitations (souring process) before being sent down into the little bowels for additional digestion and eventual food soaking up into the bloodstream.

The major symptom of GIRD and GERD is heartburn. Heartburn is usually caused by a dorsum up of hydrochloric acid (HCl) into esophagus, irritating and or combustion sensitive tissues. HCl is produced by the stomach. Its dorsum flowing is generally prevented by esophageal anatomical sphincter musculuses that control the gap and shutting of the valve, which links the pharynx to the stomach. When these musculuses go weak, back flow, pyrosis can occur.

Weak anatomical sphincter musculuses can be caused by poor, anaemic diet. Protein and fat construct and combustible all construction and function. Everything else (fruit, veggies and grains) reduces, cleanses, chills and moistens. Low protein, low fat and high saccharide diets (grain, pasta, bread, salads, natural vegetables, fruit, especially tropical, juices, etc.).

High saccharide foods, fruit, vegetables, especially when eaten at the beginning of the meal, be given to thin and weaken digestive acid and enzymes, producing abdominal bloating, gas, nausea, reflux and in the extreme, heartburn, acid indigestion.

Overeating, especially protein, fat and amylum can also bring forth the same symptoms. The digestive tract, mouth, throat, tummy and little bowels are more than or less 1 long tubing (25+ feet) that links to another long tube, big bowels before exiting the anus. Food and fluids, digestive energy moves down. Gluttony can geta any portion of the tubing causing a dorsum flowing of energy, nutrient and fluids, just like a clotted drainage that dorsums up and overflows. Back flowing is generally prevented by valves in the throat, esophagus, stomach, little intestines, etc. that unfastened and close. Overeating, eating too fast or disorderly tin clog, jam the valves causing reflux, heartburn, etc.

GIRD and GERD that are caused by mediocre diet can generally be cured by proper diet.

The followers diet, repast program will generally forestall and or remedy most lawsuits of GIRD and GERD. There are always exceptions.

1/3 Protein and fat (meat, eggs, chicken,. cheese, beans, etc.). One protein per meal.

1/3 Grain (rice, noodles, bread, etc.)

1/3 Vegetables, cooked (3-5), fruit (1)

Spices (cumin, coriander, fennel, etc.), tea

Reduce salads, tropical fruits, cold drinks, milk, yoghurt and bungalow cheese.

GIRD and GERD can also be caused by pregnancy, extra weight and or tight clothing.

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